You could sell your home more quickly and achieve closer to your asking price by offering an organised, clutter free home.
Preparing your property for sale;
let go of items you no longer use rather than paying to transport them to your new home;
let your home look its very best to attract buyers – there’s only one first impression;
support to source required suppliers/trades and to be with you for appointments if required;
help to pack your belongings for the move and ensure everything is safely packed and clearly labelled by room and contents;
help to unpack your belongings following your move. I can an extra pair of hands on the often stressful day of moving to get boxes unpacked and rooms ready to use as quickly as possible.
Now is the perfect time to go through every cupboard, shelf and drawer and decide what you love enough to take with you, and what it is now time to let go of.
Whilst you have time you can turn items you no longer want to keep into cash by selling on line or at car boot sales.
I can work with you in a methodical way to keep you on track to complete the task before viewings are taking place.
As a Senior Move Manager with The Senior Move Partnership Ltd. I am experienced in supporting clients downsize and move home. It can be a difficult and emotional time and clients often benefit from having someone on hand to ensure smooth progress, ensure too much isn’t moved, answer questions and provide reassurance, find solutions and oversee the move process (or part of it). I can assist with change of address notifications and the transfer/cancellation of utilities and services. The task list is endless and the support required by each client varies depending on health and other family/friend support available.
Moving house on top of running a busy life can be very stressful. If you would like to delegate the packing and/or unpacking I can work through each room, with you or whilst you are at work, carefully packing your possessions ready for the moving day.
Home Staging ensures that your home looks the very best it can to achieve a quick sale at as close to market value as possible. There’s nothing more disheartening than having your hopes set on moving and being stuck because your home isn’t snapped up.
Buyers want to easily visualise how they will fill and live in your property. Too much clutter or too many personal items can be overwhelming and block the viewer’s thought process. Your home is a huge investment and if you consider that you’d valet a car, polish jewellery and photograph any item you’re selling to look its best why would you not consider doing the same for your home.
As an objective professional I can look at your home and gardens through the eyes of a potential buyer and highlight any changes that would benefit your property to make it more likely to sell quickly. I’ll consider clutter, room layout, lighting, repairs, clutter, décor etc.
There is only one first impression and it is thought that buyers decide within 60 seconds whether they want your home or not.
Remember if your home isn’t selling your Estate Agent may ask you to consider lowering the asking price by at least £2,000. Home Staging is an investment to give you the best chance of competing with similar properties in your area.
I provide a detailed personalised report highlighting areas that could be improved to enhance your chance of attaining that sale quickly and at the best price.